Frequently Asked Questions
OTCnet is the Treasury/Fiscal Service solution for Over the Counter (OTC) Deposit Processing and Reporting, Check Capture, Card Processing, and Kiosk Collections. OTCnet is a combination of two legacy systems, TGAnet and PCC OTC. The combined functionality improves over-the-counter collections by fully automating the collection, reconciliation, research and reporting processes into a single, secure web-based application.
Yes, all over-the-counter deposit activity will need to be entered into OTCnet.
TRS has been renamed to the Collections Information Repository (CIR) effective January 2013. Fiscal Service has rebranded TRS to be consistent with the naming convention for its other data repositories, such as the Payment Information Repository (PIR).
The application URL has not changed, nor have there been any changes to the functionality of the system.
Visit https://otcnet.for.fiscal.treasury.gov to log-in to OTCnet with your PIV/CAC card or ID.me credentials.
OTCnet makes it easier for stakeholders and citizens to complete over-the-counter activity (e.g., Point-of-sale, bank deposits) with the government. OTCnet's online capabilities allow access to information and reports anytime, anywhere.
OTCnet's design accommodates check capture and deposit reporting the "Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS) way". Reporting transactions and associated accounting data "the CARS way" is required under the Government-wide Accounting (GWA) modernization initiative and serves as the standard for all government agencies.
Enhancement suggestions can be made by contacting the Treasury OTC Support Center at 866-945-7920 , 302-323-3159, or military DSN at 510-428-6824 (selection option 1, selection option 3, then selection option 4) or via e-mail at FiscalService.OTCChannel@citi.com. We continuously evaluate enhancement requests to improve OTCnet.
OTCnet Offline enables agencies to perform check conversion activities with limited Internet connectivity. The OTCnet Offline application is available by secure download from OTCnet Online or, as needed, by CD. The Offline application locally installs on agency workstations to allow Check Capture and Batch Upload activity with limited Internet access.
OTCnet Offline is ideal for your agency if you experience frequent Internet disruptions or have locations with limited Internet connectivity or extremely low bandwidth, such as overseas locations.
OTCnet stands for Over-the-Counter Channel Application (OTCnet), a system that allows users to capture and process checks, and/or process deposits.
Please call the OTC Support Center (1-866-945-7920) for all OTCnet questions, concerns, or issues, including questions related to user creation and training. The OTC Support Center is the focal point for obtaining resolution to all OTCnet issues.
Additionally, your Deployment Specialist will be able to provide any specific OTCnet information related to your agency.
OTCnet users log in with their PIV/CAC card or ID.me credentials. Password resets will be conducted through ID.me (not OTCnet). PIV/CAC card users have a PIN, so if it needs to be reset, the agency user should contact their local card office that issued the card.
There are certain roles that can be combined and others that are not able to be combined. Pages 7-9 of the User Roles Guide provides an-depth explanation of role combinations for Deposit Reporting, Check Capture and FI Users.
A description of each User Role in OTCnet can be found on pages 1-5 of the User Roles Guide.
Please refer to the User Roles Guide and work with your Deployment Specialist to determine the appropriate roles to provision to your staff.
- The PLSA/LSA will receive an authorized/approved request to add a new user to OTCnet.
- The PLSA/LSA will log into SailPointIIQ, select Manage User Access, and search for the email address of the new user.
- If the email address is not found, the PLSA/LSA selects Manage Identity and Create Identity from the menu options, enters the authorized user’s email address, and selects submit.
- If the email address is found, the PLSA/LSA continues with the next step.
- The PLSA/LSA adds the authorized role/ HLO or role/Financial Institution (FI) combination to the identity. Another PLSA/LSA approves or denies the request. Then, the requestor PLSA/LSA notifies the user to log into OTCnet to establish their identity there.
- The user logs into OTCnet and is prompted to contact their PLSA/LSA requesting them to set up their OTCnet endpoint(s) and role(s) in OTCnet.
- The PLSA/LSA logs into OTCnet and adds the authorized endpoint(s) and role(s) to the user. Another PLSA/LSA approves or rejects the request. Finally, the user is informed that their OTCnet provisioning is complete.
The minimum number of personnel required to run OTCnet is three: two personnel to serve as the PLSA and LSA to create and provision users, and one person to hold the required administrative and functional roles (e.g. Accounting Specialist, Deposit Preparer, Deposit Approver, Check Capture Administrator, Check Capture Supervisor, Check Capture Lead Operator, CIRA Viewer).
Please note that if an Agency is only using OTCnet Deposit Reporting, the minimum required number of personnel is still 3, but the individual with the administrative and functional roles will only need the Accounting Specialist, Deposit Preparer and Deposit Approver roles. Please work with your Deployment Specialist if you have questions.
Separation of duties is at the discretion of your agency and will depend on your internal processes and policies. OTCnet will allow certain users to perform more than one function. Pages 7-9 of the User Roles Guide provides an-depth explanation of Role Combinations for Deposit Reporting, Check Capture and FI Users.
Transactions and Reporting
OTCnet can process foreign currency and foreign checks through OTCnet Deposit Reporting. The foreign checks must be drawn from a foreign financial institution.
Please ensure your ALC is set to process foreign currency for deposit reporting. You’ll need to set up a banking relationship with Bank of America to accept foreign currency and foreign checks, and add these to your deposit reporting set up in OTCnet.
If you need assistance with deposit reporting set up, please review the OTCnet Web Based training at: http:/www.fiscal.treasury.gov/otcnet/training.html or contact our Customer Support team at 866-945-7920.
Yes, you're expected to take your deposits to the bank on the date you enter a deposit into OTCnet. Agencies are required to make an OTCnet deposit if the deposit amount is at least $5,000 or by every Thursday regardless of the deposit amount.
If you would like to begin using OTCnet Check Capture, please contact the OTCnet Onboarding Team at 703-377-5586 or Fiscalservice.otcdeployment@citi.com. The OTCnet Onboarding Team will work with you to obtain an ALC+2, scanner, and complete set up in OTCnet.
OTCnet Deposit Reporting and Check Capture Processing allow for GWA reporting. First, you’ll need to work with the Shared Accounting Module (SAM) Team to ensure your accounting codes are TAS/BETC codes, then add your codes to OTCnet, and work with the CARS (GWA) and OTCnet Customer Support teams to finalize the transition to OTCnet CARS (GWA) reporting.
Deposit tickets generated in OTCnet have a header that states "OTCnet Deposit Ticket." Agency customers making deposits should provide FIs with a printed copy of the OTCnet-generated deposit ticket along with the deposit.
No, FIs can only confirm deposits in OTCnet. The agency should provide FIs with a printed copy of the OTCnet-generated deposit ticket along with the deposit.
Yes, some FIs have and will continue to require that you use their bank deposit slip in addition to the OTCnet generated deposit ticket. Some FIs require that you get updated deposit slips when you transition to using OTCnet.
FIs that require a customer to use a specific deposit slip when making deposits in OTCnet must make sure their local branches are aware of those deposit slips.
The OTCnet training program offers users products and tools to successfully learn the OTCnet system including a user-friendly web-based training (WBT) and paper-based resources that are available for agencies and financial institutions to use at any time.
WBT includes:
- User Guides (UGs) that provide textual descriptions of tasks with visuals to help users understand and complete OTCnet-related procedures.
- Printable Job Aids (PJAs) that provide step-by-step instructions with screenshots and application tips for performing specific tasks.
- Web-based modules that allow users to train on OTCnet at their own pace, view PJAs, complete knowledge checks, and retake modules as needed.
- Videos that allow users to immerse themselves in application-based scenarios and job-related tasks.
Instructor-led training is also available, pending Fiscal Service approval, and can be requested by contacting the OTCnet Agency Adoption Team at FiscalService.OTCDeployment@citi.com.
For more information on training, visit http://fiscal.treasury.gov/otcnet/training.html
System Requirements
The OTCnet System Requirements document is located at the bottom of the OTCnet home page under Resources.
The System Requirements are updated as the system evolves and as testing progresses. Normally, the System Requirements document is updated with each OTCnet release.
OTCnet is compliant with the latest Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) audit, 508 regulations, user access/provisioning, system security requirements, and Homeland Security Presidential Directive -12 (HSPD-12) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) standards.
OTCnet requires an installed Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to enable check scanning functionality on client workstations, but does not require a JRE for deposit processing functionality.
For the latest Java compatibility information, please review the OTCnet System Requirements outlined on the Getting Started page.
Additional development and testing is required to ensure compatibility with additional JRE versions. OTCnet will continue to review future JRE updates for integration with OTCnet releases.
Please review the OTCnet System Requirements document for detailed information on hardware requirements for OTCnet. The document along with other information about hardware can be found on the OTCnet Hardware page.
If your agency is interested in a fully customizable self-service kiosk option or kiosk tablet, information can be found on the OTC Kiosk Getting Started page.
Agencies interested in collecting debit, credit, or gift card payments via an all-in-one platform are encouraged to use the OTCnet Card Processing integrated solution which provides card payment options in addition to their existing collections methods such as Check Processing and Deposit Processing.
Your agency needs a scanner if using OTCnet for Check Capture. If your Agency only uses OTCnet for Deposit Processing, a scanner is not needed.
Agencies will incur a one-time cost associated with the initial purchase of any hardware. Please reach out to your Deployment Specialist to provide additional information on hardware pricing.
Information on scanner firmware is included in the OTCnet System Requirements document. The document can be found on the OTCnet Getting Started page.
OTCnet has been developed to be compatible with most users' computer systems and to be set-up with as much ease as possible.
Users will be notified in advance of firmware releases. Agency user(s) that have been provisioned Administrator roles will be responsible for downloading the new scanner firmware release from the OTCnet web-based application and installing it on each workstation.
If your hardware is not working properly, please contact the Customer Support team to help troubleshoot possible problems. If the issues persist, they may direct you to contact the distributor for assistance.
OTCnet Local Bridge
The OTCnet Local Bridge, or OLB, is a new OTCnet application that is designed to remove the OTCnet application’s dependency on the Java browser plug-in. The OLB affects all users who are using OTCnet versions Release 2.5 and later. The OLB application is installed on a workstation and can be compared to an actual bridge that connects the browser with the workstation operating system. The OLB is used to support check processing and check capture tasks. Because the OLB removes the OTCnet application’s dependency on the Java browser plug-in, it eliminates the need for agencies to upgrade workstation Java versions to run the OTCnet application. The OLB application is available for download from OTCnet Online, and users do not need to download or purchase any additional software to run the OLB.
To install the OLB please see the printable job aids for step-by-step instructions.
The OLB needs to be used by user performing Check Capture, Check Processing, Terminal Configuration, Kiosk Tablet, Self Service Kiosk, and Card Processing tasks. These users are listed in the OLB Printable Job Aid.
Please note, the OLB does not impact deposit processing users, interface users, or interface partners. The OLB has minimal impact to Offline user operations. Offline users do not need to complete the system prerequisites listed below. However, Offline CCA users need to complete the step of creating credentials.
No prerequisites are needed for downloading and installing the OLB.
The OTCnet Team has made several resources available to general users regarding the OLB:
For general users we recommend that you refer to the Printable Job Aids and Configuration Guide.
The OTCnet team has also developed several in-depth resources that are targeted to user roles:
- OLB Webinar (recorded): OLB Webinar Presentation
- OLB Webinar Frequently Asked Questions (recorded): OLB Webinar Frequently Asked Questions Presentation
Central Accounting Reporting System/Government Wide Accounting (CARS/GWA) Reporting
GWA provides the central/financial accounting and reporting infrastructure for federal payments, claims, collections, central accounts and other financial transactions.
CARS addresses the central accounting and reporting functions and processes associated with budget execution, accountability and cash/other asset management. This includes the collection and dissemination of financial management and accounting information from and to agencies. To learn more about CARS, please visit http://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/cars.
A TAS is a receipt, appropriation, expenditure and other fund account symbols and titles as assigned by the Department of the Treasury and Office of Management and Budget that identify a specific Treasury account.
For more information on Treasury Account Symbols, please consult the Federal Account Symbols and Titles (FAST) Book, located on the Fiscal Service website at http://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/reference-guidance/fast-book/ and contact your internal accounting point(s) of contact who are knowledgeable about TAS.
A C-Key is a unique agency accounting code assigned to a transaction as approved by GWA. A C-Key includes agency accounting or collection mechanism data (e.g., account code, fund code, Merchant ID), which translates directly to a Treasury Account Symbol (TAS)-Business Event Type Code (BETC).
Agencies will establish C-Keys in the Shared Accounting Module (SAM) for collection transactions that will be used to drive the appropriate values of TAS/BETC.
SAM is an Fiscal Service program that allows agencies to classify all Fund Balance with Treasury transactions and adjustments to the appropriate TAS and BETC at the time the transactions or adjustments are reported to Treasury.
OTCnet Release 1.3 will support the CARS requirement set by GWA that all transactions capture standard classification information at the onset of a transaction. To do this, OTCnet Release 1.3 enhancements must meet the following criteria:
- All CARS Reporting agencies assign a standardized classification identifier, either a TAS or C-Key, to all transactions as close to the point of initiation as possible.
- Standard classification information will be accepted in the form of a TAS String or a C-Key, which is an internal Agency accounting code that can be translated into valid TAS/BETC(s).
- All deposit flows (e.g., OTCnet, Pay.gov) must be flowing through TRS and the agency must have set up a cash flow profile with SAM to validate their TAS or C-Key in order to be a CARS Reporter.
A BETC is an eight-character code used in the GWA system to indicate the type of activity being reported, such as payments, collections and borrowings.