Administrative Wage Garnishment for Employers
Administrative Wage Garnishment (AWG) is a debt collection process that allows a federal agency to order a non-federal employer to withhold up to 15 percent of an employee's disposable income to pay a delinquent non-tax debt owed to the agency. (Not an employer? Click for administrative wage garnishment information for individuals or for agencies.)
Executing AWG
Upon receipt of an AWG order, federal law requires an employer to:
- Verify an employee’s employment.
- Complete and return the Wage Garnishment Worksheet, SF-329C and the Employer Certification, SF-329D (pages 8 and 9).
- Employers may use this Wage Garnishment Computation Calculator to calculate the wage garnishment amount to be deducted from the debtor's disposable pay.
- Deduct the wage garnishment amount from the employee's wages on the first payday after receipt of the order.
- Continue deductions until an employer receives notification from the creditor agency, Fiscal Service, or the Private Collection Agency (PCA) to suspend or discontinue deductions.
- To pay electronically, employers can send withheld monies using the Pay.gov form listed at https://www.pay.gov/public/form/start/1234541539. If you are garnishing wages for more than one employee, you must complete a separate Pay.gov form for each employee.
- Employers may also send the withheld monies to the address listed in the wage garnishment order within three days of withholding. Note: It may be addressed to a PCA, but it is a Fiscal Service lockbox.
Terminating AWG:
- Creditor Agencies may terminate an AWG order by sending Standard Form 329E (Notice of Termination of Wage Garnishment Order) to the debtor’s employer. Once a Wage Garnishment Order for an employee is terminated, the employer must discontinue deductions immediately.
- The Notice of Termination of Wage Garnishment Order applies only to the Wage Garnishment Order issued by the Creditor Agency with the assigned Creditor Agency Tracking Number referenced in the Notice.
Failure to Comply
An employer who fails to comply with an AWG order is liable for amounts that the employer fails to withhold, plus possible penalties and fees. Noncompliance with an AWG order, including failure to honor a Notice of Termination of Wage Garnishment Order, may result in legal action. For questions related to employer noncompliance, contact Fiscal Service using the information provided below:
Fiscal Service Contact Information
- Debt Recovery Analyst: 1-888-826-3127
- Federal Relay Service for hearing impaired (TDD): 1-800-877-8339
- AWGQuestions@fiscal.treasury.gov
- U.S. Department of the Treasury
P.O. Box 830794
Birmingham, AL, 35283-0794