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USSGL Implementation Guidance
The cornerstone of financial systems

USSGL FY 2001 Interim Guidance for Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers

To: Affected Agencies

FROM: Karen Metler, USSGL staff member
Through Judy Yuran, USSGL Manager

SUBJECT: Fiscal 2001 Interim Guidance for Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols (TAFS)

During the March 8, 2001 USSGL Board meeting, trust fund guidance was presented pertaining to trust fund appropriation transfers for a very specific group of TAFSs. The handout illustrating the scenario is entitled "Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols." This guidance proposes new USSGL accounts that are effective beginning October 1, 2001 (for Fiscal 2002 reporting).

The following interim guidance applies to several Bureau of Public Debt (BPD) Treasury-managed trust fund transferring-out TAFSs and the related agency receiving TAFSs (see list below). These particular trust funds have a unique relationship in that the transfers that occur between the two are to be recorded as appropriations, rather than transfers. In developing interim guidance, an issue existed for the agency receiving TAFSs as to which USSGL account should be recorded for the appropriation/transfer-in.

Beginning Fiscal 2001, the BPD Treasury-managed trust fund TAFSs were instructed to record USSGL accounts 4166/4167 “Treasury-Managed Trust Fund Distributions of Realized Authority – To be Transferred/Transferred” for the transfers-out. Also in Fiscal 2001, the agency receiving TAFSs were instructed to record USSGL accounts 4166/4167 for the transfers-in. However, USSGL accounts 4166/4167 crosswalk to SF 133: Report on Budget Execution line 1D (Budget Authority – Net Transfers), not line 1A (Budget Authority – Appropriations).

In order to properly crosswalk to SF 133 line 1A, the agency receiving TAFSs should use 4114 "Appropriated Trust or Special Fund Receipts" to record the transfers-in of authority during the interim period. Use of USSGL account 4114 will ensure proper reporting on the SF 133, Program and Financing Schedule, and Statement of Budgetary Resources. Note that in order for the FMS 2108: Year-End Closing Statement to reflect the portion of authority transferred prior to the transfer of funds, USSGL account 1330 "Receivable for Transfers of Currently Invested Balances" must also be submitted via FACTS II.

To repeat, for the remainder of Fiscal 2001, agency receiving TAFSs are to record USSGL account 4114 for amounts appropriated to the agency, rather than 4166/4167. OMB and Treasury-FMS agree that this is adequate interim guidance for these types of transfers. Beginning October 1, 2001 (Fiscal 2002), the new USSGL accounts must be recorded, as specified in the guidance entitled "Trust Fund Appropriation Transfers for Specific Treasury Appropriation Fund Symbols." This guidance is available on the USSGL web site: USSGL Implementation Guidance.

The list below identifies receiving accounts that may be subject to this guidance. The list may not be all inclusive. Please contact the USSGL staff with any questions. USSGL contacts are available from the USSGL website noted above.

  • Airport and Airway Trust Fund related TAFS:
  •         69-8104
  •         69-8107
  •         69-8108
  • Highway Trust Fund related TAFS:
  •         69-8016
  •         69-8020
  •         69-8048
  •         69-8055
  •         69-8083
  •         69-8191
  •         69-8350
  • Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund related TAFS:
  •         14-8370
  •         68-8221
  •         69-8121
  •         69-8314
  •         69-8349
  • Aquatic Resources Trust Fund related TAFS:
  •         14-8151
  •         69-8149

Last modified 08/27/19