Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Using TCIS adds these benefits:
- Get Automated Clearing House (ACH) and claims information in one place.
- Use your web browser to see check and ACH payment information, history of check claims, and images of paid U.S. Treasury checks.
- See check images in real time.
To enroll, go to Getting Started with TCIS.
TCIS is available:
Monday-Friday: 6:00am to midnight, Eastern Time
Saturday: 7:00am to 4:00pm, Eastern Time
Saturday and Sunday hours may be limited due to system maintenance
TCIS has digital images of checks from seven years ago to the present.
Images for checks less than two (2) years old will be in PDF format.
Checks over two (2) years old will be in TIF format. You will need the ability to read PDF and TIF files. TIF files can be read with MS Office Document Imaging or other image viewing software.
Work with your IT Support staff to enable TIF image viewing in your environment.
- If you do not have access to TCIS, reference Getting Started with TCIS to complete your enrollment.
- If you already have access to TCIS, you will be required to login to ISIM and edit your account to add the COTS Application, Dashboard - Cancellations.
The Dashboard - Reclamations should only be requested if your agency issues recurring benefit payments.
Check your Compatibility View Settings in Internet Explorer to ensure "" has been added.

If you are having problems seeing images for old checks, follow these steps:
- From the Start menu, choose All Programs.
- In the list of programs, choose Microsoft Office.
- Within the Microsoft Office list, choose Microsoft Office Tools and then Microsoft Office Document Imaging.
- When the application opens, go to Tools.
- From Tools, Choose Options.
- Within Options, under the "Other" tab, click on Reset.
Use TCDOMS – the Transmittal Control and Disbursing Office Maintenance System of TCIS.
We strongly encourage you to monitor the status of files you send to TCIS, including your files for:
- issuing checks
- available check cancellations (ACC)
- unavailable check cancellations (UCC)
No. You can only see information you have permission for, based on your user profile.