Getting Started
To get started utilizing Pay.gov, please send us an email at Pay.gov@fiscal.treasury.gov. A Pay.gov team member will then contact you about setting up a kick off call where we will review all the necessary steps and required documents of the implementation process. Below are some steps that outline the implementation process from start to finish.
- The agency meets with Pay.gov Implementation Specialist to discuss the requirements of the agency and to gain an understanding of the services that Pay.gov offers.
- The agency signs the applicable agreements accepted by Pay.gov for the service they want to implement.
- Depending on the Pay.gov service that is selected, some development work may need to take place on the agency side. If this is the case, the agency will work very closely with the Pay.gov Technical Team to accomplish this step.
- Once the set-up is complete, the agency will test their application in QA.
- When testing and agency authorization is finished, the application goes into production.