Pay.gov’s services rest on the following cornerstones:
Enabling end-users to authorize electronic transaction funds transfers over the Internet that will be settled through a number of methods (Automated Clearing House (ACH), credit card, or debit card).
Forms acceptance and direct billing
Accepting agency forms submitted by end-users over the Internet and presenting agency bills to end-users over the Internet.
Maintaining, processing, and providing online financial information and database documents for Treasury, agencies, and the public about transactions.
Pay.gov Services
The services of Pay.gov are modular; in other words, each of the services can be invoked separately of the others, sometimes from an agency’s own website.
Pay.gov provides:
- New electronic methods to make it easier for agencies to conduct transactions online.
- Help for agencies to convert forms into documents that can be accepted electronically and provide means by which agency bills may be presented electronically.
- Reports to agencies about these automated transactions. Pay.gov assists agencies in integrating the reports into their systems.