Financial Management Maturity
Self-Assessment Tool
Improving financial management requires an unrelenting focus across the entire agency.
As a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or CFO's delegate, you must identify what is working well and what needs improvement.
To help you in that task, Treasury has developed a Financial Management Maturity Model:
- For use in an agency
- Easy to work through
- Based on current conditions and documents
Understanding the Maturity Model
To help CFOs shift from transition processing to becoming strategic partners in their agency's leadership, Treasury has defined five areas that agencies can target when developing plans for improvement.
Within each of those areas, the model has five maturity levels from "inadequate" to "leading." The five focus areas directly align with Treasury's The Future of Federal Financial Management.
We explain every area at each level in detail so you can place your agency in the model. You will also see opportunities for improvement by looking at the level beyond where your agency places in the model.

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The self-assessment tool is anonymous.
We do not store or track any of your information.

"CFOs must identify what's working well-and what's not-so they can target initiatives, and raise the bar."
Five Focus Areas of Financial Management
1. Core Budget & Accounting Operations
Transform the way you conduct financial transactions to become more modern, seamless, and secure.
Blogs and Transformative Stories:
2. Financial & Regulatory Controls
Improve financial controls and embrace a proactive risk management culture.
Blogs and Transformative Stories:
3. Data Management & Analytics
Build advanced analytics capabilities with integrated agency-wide data.
Blogs and Transformative Stories:
4. Communicating Results
Improve communications to agency personnel and customers and maintain compliance with reporting requirements.
Blogs and Transformative Stories:
5. Strategic Planning & Mission Support
Drive year-over-year performance improvements.
Blogs and Transformative Stories: