About the EZpay Program
The EZpay™ program uses EagleCash™ branded cards that are issued at all Air Force, Space Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps training site in the U.S. This includes basic training installations, selected office training locations, and military academy locations.
Most trainees arrive without bank accounts, so this allows them time to set up an account for future direct deposits of their pay. Trainees benefit from the security and ease-of-use of the card instead of previous methods of payment, such as case, money orders, and paper chits.
Funds on the card can be used to purchase goods and services at the Post Exchange or Base Exchange, Military Clothing, on-post bank, and most concessionaires on base.
The EZpay Program has been in existence since 1997 and found on 9 U.S. military installations. Since inception, 4 million cards have been issued, over 25 million transactions performed and over $1 billion in physical currency replaced.
Acceptance Sites
EZpay™ can be found on 9 U.S. military installations in the U.S., including:
U.S. Air Force
- Lackland Air Force Base, TX
- U.S. Air Force Academy Preparatory School, CO
- Fort Leonard Wood, MO
- Fort Sill, OK
- Fort Moore, GA
- Fort Jackson, SC
- Navy Recruit Training Command (RTC), Great Lakes, IL
Marine Depots
- Parris Island, SC
- MCRD San Diego, CA
Program Organization
The Stored Value Card EZpay program is supported by various government and private sector entities each of whom plays a specific part and who own specific responsibilities. The following identifies each of the participants and provides a brief description of their respective contributions.

U.S. Air Force
Coordinates project details with all agencies and commands for the EZpay program on behalf of the Department of the Air Force. Provides policy coordination and support for the EZpay program at Lackland AFB on behalf of the Department of the Air Force.

U.S. Army Finance Command (USAFMCOM)
Coordinates project details with all agencies and commands (e.g., U.S. Treasury, DFAS, AAFES, etc.), as required on behalf of the Assistant Secretary of the Army. Provides policy coordination and support for the EZpay program at the installations on behalf of the Department of the Army.
Naval Supply and Systems Command (NAVSUP)
Coordinates project details with all agencies and commands for the EZpay program on behalf of the U.S. Navy. Provides policy coordination and support for the EZpay program at Navy Recruit Training Command (RTC), Great Lakes on behalf of the U.S. Navy.

U.S. Marine Corps
Coordinates project details with all agencies and commands for the EZpay program on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps. Provides policy coordination and support for the EZpay program at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island on behalf of the U.S. Marine Corps.

Bureau of the Fiscal Service
U.S. Department of the Treasury representative manages and provides direction to the EZpay Fiscal agent for administration, operations, processing, system support, and customer service support.

Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS)
Provides support related to disbursing policies and procedure; processes EZpay payment transactions for card loads; receives and posts to trainees' pay any residuals remaining on the card sent from the Treasury Fiscal agent after the cards have expired.

Headquarters U.S. Army Training Command & Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
Provide policy coordination and support for the program at the installations on behalf of the Department of the Army as well as assistance and support in reviewing new installations and needs assessment.

Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
Accepts EagleCash cards at all stores and concessionaires selected by Basic Training for the trainee support, manages the inventory of terminals as well as spare equipment. Provides level one support on terminal usage.
Navy Exchange Services (NEX)
Accepts EagleCash cards at all stores and concessionaires selected by Basic Training for the trainee support. Manages the inventory of terminals as well as spare equipment. Provides level one support on terminal usage.

Military Corps Community Services (MCCS)
Accepts EagleCash cards at all stores and concessionaires selected by Basic Training for the trainee support. Manages the inventory of terminals as well as spare equipment. Provides level one support on terminal usage.

Federal Reserve Bank (FRB)
The Fiscal agent for the EZpay program. FRB provide settlement, reconcilement, reporting and helpdesk support via the SVC Customer Support Center (1-877-973-8982).