General Information

SAM Overview Presentation

SAM Public Website

SAM Introduction Brochure
Annual Letter from the Commissioner
August 6, 2018
Enterprise Reference Data for Trading Partners
SAM Trading Partner Integration Guide (TPIG)
The purpose of the SAM Trading Partners Integration Guide is to communicate how the bureau of Fiscal Service (FS) will bring aboard trading partners to use Shared Accounting Module (SAM) services on behalf of the United States Department of Treasury (US Treasury). This document addresses three categories of questions that are typically asked by potential trading partners:
- What types of SAM services are available, and what options are available for these services?
- What is SAM’s role in supporting the US Treasury and the Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS)?
- What steps must be taken to establish a system interface that utilizes a SAM service?
Read About Enterprise Data Architecture
The purpose of the Fiscal Service Data Registry is to promote the common identification, use and sharing of data/information across the federal government.
The registry contains information about definitions, authoritative sources, data types, formats and uses of common data.