Call for Proposals – Financial Management Innovation Partnership – Due Date: July 10, 2020

For the third consecutive year, the Office of Financial Innovation and Transformation (FIT), as part of the Financial Management Innovation Partnership (FMIP), is asking for proposals from federal agencies to explore technologies that have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal financial management. Selected agencies will earn funding support for their projects to aid them in advancing their ideas, pilots, or proofs of concepts with the intent of shaping new concepts into concrete solutions.
What is the FMIP?
The FMIP is a program run by FIT to explore technologies that have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal financial management.
How Can Federal Agencies Apply?
Application requirements, eligibility and the application form can be found on the FMIP site. Preference is given to federal agencies with ideas for projects about new/emerging technologies or technologies with limited adoption across the federal government. We’re also interested in innovative solutions to challenges surfaced by COVID/CARES Act.
Key Dates
Application deadline: July 10, 2020
Recipients Announced: by July 31, 2020