A Call out to the Federal Financial Management Community!
Date: February 26, 2019

This past year, FIT launched its first annual innovation program to inspire federal financial managers to look beyond their usual boundaries and identify new/novel approaches to financial management practices. We received several interesting proposals from five agencies and selected robotic process automation (RPA) pilots from Department of the Interior and National Science Foundation.
For the second year, FIT is continuing to look to partner with the federal financial management community to identify and move pilot or proof-of-concept projects forward. Projects which meet program goals and criteria may be selected to get partial funding. We encourage you to think broadly. The focus of the projects may be about technology, process, or policy.
Do you have an idea for a small pilot or proof-of-concept project where you are looking for some support? Does the idea have potential for improving the efficiency or effectiveness of federal financial management? Proposals for the 2019 Program are due March 29, 2019. For details on the program and instructions on how to submit a proposal, visit our web page.
For our federal followers wanting more details about the 2018 Program projects, please visit OMB’s Max site as our NSF and DOI participants will be posting details on the lessons learned during their RPA projects.