How do you communicate with the next generation of the federal workforce?

From a young age, we were taught that communication is key. Whether you wanted that special holiday toy, or wanted to get someone's attention, communication, either verbal or nonverbal, was essential.
In today's workplace, while the generations of workers are changing, communication is still part of our lives. It solves problems, brainstorms great ideas and provides positive customer service. However, with the advancement of technology, we now have more opportunities on how to communicate to our customers.
The Fiscal Service is committed to preparing for the future workforce while also improving the current customer experience in federal financial management.
In the past year, FIT has been generating excitement about a new initiative to recreate the delivery of federal financial management (FM) guidance, polices, and instructions… the Treasury Financial Experience (TFX)!
The TFX will present the bureau’s financial management guidance organized in a more user-centric manner. This is where we need your help again. As users of FM guidance, your input is vital to the success of the effort – we want to create something that you find easy to use (as will the next generation of FFM professionals)!
Our user-centered design process starts with user research (learn), applies it to sketches, page designs, and functionality (make), and then returns to users for testing (test). This cycle continues throughout the design and build phases until project completion. For more about the user-centered design process in general, visit www.usability.gov.

We are now beginning to build the TFX, with the following goals:
- Modern design
- Intuitive navigation
- Expanded resources
- Robust search
We welcome your participation in crafting the TFX! Participation can include one-on-one interviews, group testing, or online surveys to gather feedback on our working prototypes and mock-ups. Join our listserv and stay up-to-date on events, focus group invites, quick surveys, and other activities about the TFX!
To find out more about the Fiscal Service, visit fiscal.treasury.gov or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.