Information Quality Guidelines - Third Party Correspondence on Requests for Correction (RFC) and Requests for Reconsideration (RFR) Submitted to Fiscal Service
From time to time, the Fiscal Service receives correspondence about a Request for Correction (RFC) or Request for Reconsideration (RFR) from other interested parties. We refer to this as third party correspondence. To ensure transparency regarding requests, Fiscal Service's policy is to post such third party correspondence. If you wish to submit correspondence related to an RFC or an RFR, please reference the RFC or RFR request number and send your correspondence via any one of the methods listed here:
E-mail Us
Write Us
Office of Management Services
200 Third Street, Avery 5th Floor
Parkersburg, WV 26106-5312
Disclaimer: Fiscal Service's posting of third party correspondence for the purpose of transparency is not an Agency endorsement of, or agreement with the information presented as third party correspondence, nor is it an Agency endorsement of the quality of such information with respect to Fiscal Service's Information Quality Guidelines (2002) or the Information Quality Act (2001). The Agency does not necessarily intend to use this information when responding to an RFC or RFR and is posting it for the sake of transparency.
Note: Fiscal Service's website policy is that third party correspondence, except comments containing copyrighted material, confidential business information, or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute, will be made available for public viewing on this website. This policy applies to information submitted electronically or in paper form. Any identifying or contact information provided in your correspondence will be made available to the public on this website. The Agency does, however, reserve the right not to post third party correspondence deemed inappropriate.