Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) Reporting Format
The CRM Team also has found the need to define the different types of reporting formats that exist in CARS, String TAS compared with Component TAS reporting format. A TAS and BETC must accompany every CARS transaction to accurately update the Fund Balance with Treasury account. In the current environment, CARS CTA module accepts both String TAS and Component TAS format either using online or bulk. Depending what method is used to report to CARS, the BETC is either reported by the user at time of entry or assigned by CARS as part of the posting process.
It is important to note, Treasury will be transitioning exclusively to component TAS format in the future reclassification environment. The new CARS screens will be developed for component and full reporters only. If you are reporting using String TAS format, it is important that you contact CashAnalysisSection.FAO@fiscal.treasury.gov to get more information to start the transition process to report component TAS.
String TAS format: Only the TAS is reported in a single field with the transaction so CARS must determine the effect on Fund balance using programming logic. The information reported by the agency allows the system to determine the debit or credit indicator and classification type based on the sub-account code (SUB), record type (receipt or disbursement), and signed ( + or -) amount for the transaction. Based on this information CARS will select a BETC for each CTA transaction.
The link below can be used by String TAS reporters. CARS String CTA online reporters refer to what sub-account, receipt or disbursement column and sign of money to use for the transaction to post to the correct BETC. For CARS bulk file users refer to the bulk transaction code to report to post to the correct BETC. The list includes a comprehensive list of BETCs that can be reported in CARS CTA.
CTA String TAS reporting SubAccount column sign crosswalk
CARS CTA screen – String TAS format

Component TAS format (CGAC Treasury Account Symbol) : TAS is reported in eight components (fields): sub-level prefix (SP), allocation transfer identifier (ATA), agency identifier (AID), beginning period of availability (BPOA), ending period of availability (EPOA), availability type (A), main account (main), and sub-account code (SUB). These components in conjunction with a BETC is used to report the CTA transaction.
CARS CTA screen – Component TAS format