Treasury :: Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Enterprise Data Architecture
CollectionsReport Data Exchange

Data Exchange Listing
Tot [0..2]

Element Information
DefinitionThe container that represents totals.
Attribute Information
Attribute NameUseDataTypeDefinition
TotCntrequired0,1,2,..nThe total number of items.
InfoOnlyTxnCntoptional0,1,2,..nThe total number of non-accountable transactions.
SumryTotIndrequired 1|0The indicator denoting whether totals represent summarized or detailed transactions.
TotCrAmtrequiredDecimal [20, 2]Min Inclusive: 0.00The total absolute dollar amount of credits.
TotCrCntoptional0,1,2,..nThe total number of credit items.
TotDbtAmtrequiredDecimal [20, 2]Min Inclusive: 0.00The total absolute dollar amount of debits.
TotDbtCntoptional0,1,2,..nThe total number of debit items.
Technical Information
Schema versionurn:us:gov:treasury
Content ModelThe <Tot> element does not contain any further nested children elements.

For help, please contact the Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Service Data Registry team.
Last Updated: 2017-05-02T13:15:17.047-04:00

This web site is informative only and may contain publishing errors/inconsistencies - please carefully review the appropriate XML Schema documents in the Download section.